
  • The disastrous effects of spills into the sea

    The disastrous effects of spills into the sea

    Spills at sea represent one of the most serious environmental disasters threatening marine and coastal ecosystems worldwide. They can result from accidents on oil platforms,…

  • Green Masks: promoting sustainability during carnival

    Green Masks: promoting sustainability during carnival

    Carnival is a popular celebration that involves millions of people around the world, but it also has a not insignificant environmental impact. Masks, costumes, confetti,…

  • World Wetlands Day and their future

    World Wetlands Day and their future

    2 February marks World Wetlands Day, an important date to raise awareness of their future and the vital role these ecosystems play in biodiversity and…

  • Adapting mountain tourism to snow shortages

    Adapting mountain tourism to snow shortages

    Winter tourism, with its focus on snow sports and outdoor activities, is a key component of the economy of many mountain regions. However, the impact…

  • Sustainable Sport: a key challenge for the future

    Sustainable Sport: a key challenge for the future

    Sport is one of the most popular activities in the world, with countless players practising it every day and an embarrassment of riches as to…

  • Electricity and mobility: the state of the art

    Electricity and mobility: the state of the art

    These days we talk about demographic winter: how much does Italy’s ageing population weigh on electric mobility and changing habits? And the cost of the…

  • What tobacco is for

    What tobacco is for

    At first glance one would say nothing, apart from harming health. Yet 50,000 people are employed in this sector, which generates tax revenues of EUR…

  • Meat and protein

    Meat and protein

    We all agree: many people like meat. And we equally agree that intensive livestock farming brings CO2, fine dust and soil pollution. The solution? Meat…

  • Deforestation increases again

    Deforestation increases again

    In 2022 alone, forests covering an area equivalent to Switzerland disappeared and, as is well known, deforestation is one of the main causes of climate…

  • Flying, in the blue painted blue

    Flying, in the blue painted blue

    Giving up travelling, exploring and nourishing the soul of new places and cultures to reduce CO2 emissions? Or nuts, no way! So what do we…