Code of Ethics

Taiao endeavours to ensure that its activities are carried out in compliance with the law in force, in an honest and unbiased manner, in an environment of fair competition and with respect for good faith and fairness, as well as respecting the legitimate interests of its members, employees, Partners and Users.
Taiao also operates with professionalism, reliability and seriousness.
This Code of Ethics is to be considered as a business ethics tool and aims to indicate and disseminate standard behavioural objectives.

Taiao works to combine environmental, social and economic sustainability with entertainment.
Taiao pursues this goal with the aim of contributing to making the world more sustainable for both the planet and the living beings that inhabit it.
To this end, Taiao aims to operate in an environment of mutual respect, sharing of goals and ideas, and continuous progression and improvement.
To achieve its Mission, Taiao also follows some important principles including reliability, seriousness, safety, integrity, professionalism, honesty, fairness and transparency.
All those to whom this Code of Ethics is addressed must act in compliance with it.

Scope of application
1.1 Taiao indicates and formalises the principles and standards of behaviour in this Code, making them binding for the Recipients.
1.2 In managing its business, Taiao complies with the laws in force and with what is contained in this Code and in the Legal Notes and Terms of Use. In this regard, Taiao reserves the right not to enter into any relationship with anyone who does not comply with the above and is free to terminate any existing relationship if the conditions for a continuation do not exist, always in compliance with the above.
1.3 Employees and Collaborators must act in accordance with Taiao's style of conduct and with the provisions of this Code. Employees and Co-workers are also responsible for ensuring that the ethical-behavioural procedures and provisions are applied.
1.4 Users with accounts must act in compliance with Taiao's style of conduct and with what is stated in this Code for what is not expressly reserved for other persons.
1.5 For all the above, Taiao intends to share this Code of Ethics with all its Recipients.

General principles
2.1 Taiao undertakes to ensure that its internal and external relations comply with the laws in force, and with what is set out in this Code and in the Legal Notices and Terms of Use.
2.2 Taiao undertakes to conduct its business in compliance with universally recognised ethical principles. In this respect, Taiao commits itself not to discriminate arbitrarily on the basis of gender, sexuality, age, geographical origin, health status, nationality, political opinions, religious beliefs.
2.3 Taiao undertakes to implement and maintain organisational control systems in order to monitor the implementation of behaviour in violation of this Code, and, where possible, to prevent it.

Rules of behaviour
3.1 Each person, internal or external to Taiao, is responsible for guarding and preserving the goods and/or contents entrusted to him/her in the context of his/her activity, and for using them in a way that complies with the contents of this Code, of the Legal Notes and of the Terms and Conditions of Use, and in compliance with the applicable regulations in force, committing himself/herself to prevent any improper use.
3.2 The Co-workers and Employees are required to maintain a decent behaviour, in compliance with the applicable regulations, this Code and the Legal Notes and Terms of Use, as well as to respect the sensitivities of others and the image of Taiao. Co-workers and Employees are required to know Taiao's Mission and to commit themselves to its respect and pursuit. All behaviour that may create dangerous situations in the physical and virtual workplace is forbidden. It is expressly forbidden to work under the effects of narcotic drugs and/or alcohol and/or to consume such substances during working hours; chronic addiction to the above-mentioned substances is equated to this.
3.3 Co-workers and Employees shall operate and cooperate according to the criteria of fairness, loyalty, collaboration, diligence and mutual respect. The equal relationship and the exercise of hierarchical authority must be conducted with equity and fairness, also in compliance with what is listed in point 2.2, so as to enhance the contribution of individuals in the pursuit of the common objective. Any form of abuse that harms the dignity and autonomy of the Collaborators and Employees is forbidden.
3.4 The Directors or in any case whoever holds a corporate office, even a temporary one, or an office within Taiao, has the duty to
- perform their duties with fairness and loyalty, operating in the interest and pursuing the objectives of Taiao;
- participate assiduously in meetings
- share clear, complete and truthful information.
3.5 Users must interact in strict mutual respect, without discrimination of any kind. Users must respect this Code, the Legal Notices and Terms of Use, the regulations in force, and act within Taiao according to good morals and with respect for public order. Taiao reserves the right to assess the conduct of its Users and to exclude them if they are found to be in breach of the above. Taiao also reserves the right to evaluate the conduct of its Users, and, in the event that it is deemed incompatible with all that is stated in this paragraph, even in the case of conduct not expressly indicated, to exclude the User from the blog, app, website, and any other physical or virtual place owned by Taiao or otherwise controlled by or connected to Taiao, where he or she has the right to do so.
3.6 Taiao is committed to ensuring a working environment that respects the personal dignity of all Employees and Collaborators and of anyone interacting with Taiao.
3.7 Taiao's Employees and Collaborators must keep confidential all the information they become aware of in the course of their work.
Taiao's Employees and Collaborators must process personal data in compliance with the privacy protection law, according to the existing procedures, directives and best practices issued, taking all appropriate measures to avoid the loss and/or destruction of such data.

Accounting transparency and external information
4.1 In preparing accounting documents and data, in corporate communications required by law and addressed to shareholders and/or the public and in relations with the auditing firm, as well as in any registration pertaining to administration, Employees and Directors must be inspired by the principles of accuracy, transparency, correctness, truthfulness and clarity. All the subjects called upon to draw up documents to be transmitted to the Administration area are required to verify, each for the parts of their respective competence, the correctness of the data and information provided. If valuations and/or economic-equity estimates of accounting items are made, these entries must be made according to criteria of prudence and reasonableness, keeping a clear trace of the documentation used to determine the value of the asset. The procurement and disbursement of financial resources, as well as their administration and control, must always comply with the approval and authorisation procedures laid down by the Company.
4.2 Taiao undertakes to communicate information to the outside world based on the principles of transparency, correctness and truthfulness.
It is forbidden for anyone interacting in any capacity with Taiao to disseminate false information both inside and outside Taiao that is in any way related to Taiao, its activities, its employees and Collaborators, its projects, and any other area and/or subject that concerns Taiao itself, even in a mediated way.

Environmental, social and economic sustainability
5.1 Taiao wants to contribute to the growth of environmental, social and economic sustainability. In accordance with these objectives, Taiao promotes contests that are sustainable and concern sustainable issues.
Taiao provides support for cultural, social, environmental and economic initiatives aimed at the growth of people, quality of life, environmental protection and environmental, social and economic sustainability.
5.2 In order to pursue its aim of contributing to social, environmental and economic sustainability also by organising contests, Taiao may, if it deems it appropriate, turn to third parties, by way of example only, for the organisation of the above-mentioned contests and projects. In this case, Taiao verifies the suitability and compatibility of Third Parties with what is included in this Code, in the Legal Notes and Terms and Conditions of Use, with the regulations in force, with the customs, and in general evaluating every aspect it considers relevant. In the event that Taiao does not see the presence of the requirements that it considers sufficient and necessary to proceed with a collaboration, it reserves the right not to continue the relationship with third parties. If these requirements are present at the time of the conclusion of a collaboration and/or partnership agreement but are no longer present at a later time, Taiao reserves the right to terminate the collaboration and/or partnership relationship.
5.3 Taiao reserves the right to carry out the assessments referred to in section 5.2 also with regard to Partners, Collaborators, Employees and Users.

Implementation and control
6.1 Taiao is entitled to revise this Code at any time by making changes and additions to it. Taiao will give notice of such amendments in this section.

The purpose of these rules is to protect the topics covered and the participants.
We invite Taiao Users to read these rules carefully in order to maintain lines of conduct that allow Taiao to function properly.
By registering at Taiao, Users confirm that they have read these Rules and that they accept them.

General prohibited conduct
1- Insults and discrimination of any kind between participants and towards Administrators and Moderators. Interactions must in any case take place with calm and cordial manners and expressions
2- Insults to institutions
3- Messages not related to the topics of Taiao or different from its purposes;
4- Comments that are in any way disparaging;
5- Stubborn attitudes towards Administrators and Moderators;
6- Sending SPAM material, advertising messages, chains, and notices of events, demonstrations, announcements and the like that are not related to Taiao's topics or that are in any way contrary to them;
7- Incitement to hatred, violence, disrespect for the law of morality and public order, both with reference to the Community and with reference to external parties;
8- Conduct contrary to law, morality and public order, both with reference to the Community and with reference to external subjects
9- Publication of obscene images, offensive to the sensibilities of others, contrary to law, morality and public order.

Conversations between Users
It is prohibited to make private conversations public.
Users may not in any way use the Blog space for personal disputes.

Contentof Users
Each User is personally responsible for all types of content that they publish.

When the User posts content to the Blog, he/she can no longer consider it private, although he/she will have the right to ask the Moderator to modify or delete it.
Deleted Users may not request the deletion of posted content.

The Moderators' actions are always final. The Moderator has the right to immediately exclude and/or delete a User from the Blog even without prior notice.

Moving and deleting articles in the Blog
In order to keep the Blog tidy, it is a fundamental rule to post one's own topic in the dedicated section. If you post a topic in a section that is not dedicated to it, the Administrators and Moderators reserve the right to move it.
Should the User post a topic that has the characteristics of prohibited conduct, the Administrators and Moderators reserve the right to delete it immediately.
The decision as to whether or not to move and/or delete the topic posted by the User is at the discretion of the Administrators and Moderators, who will make a case-by-case assessment based on a number of factors, including those not expressly listed in these Rules.

Registration of Users
Any User, except those who have been deleted for prohibited conduct or because they are not in line with the Mission of Taiao, may register and is welcome to do so!
To register, the User must follow the instructions on the site and in the app.

Deletion of Users
Users can request to be deleted from the Blog by sending a communication to the email: Administrators or Moderators will promptly remove them.

Moderation, closure and removal of discussions
Any discussion that incorporates one or more prohibited conduct will be closed and removed without notice.
Where possible, the Moderators will moderate the conversation, without this being considered by Users as a necessary requirement for closure.

Deletion from the Blog
Failure to comply with the above will result in the immediate deletion of the User from the Blog with immediate removal of the content.

Complaints may be made to the e-mail address available at the bottom of the site.
It is prohibited to open discussions whose content is "Contestation", referring to any object.


Codeof Ethics
This Code of Ethics also includes the Foreword, Mission and Legal Terms and References, also referred to as the "Code".

All persons who in any capacity and in any organisational form collaborate both continuously and periodically with Taiao.

Subjects to whom this Code is addressed, therefore these subjects are bound to comply with this Code.

All persons employed by Taiao according to the relevant C.C.N.L. (national collective agreement).

Third parties
Any person who in any way comes into contact with Taiao.

Users with an account
User who has correctly completed the registration process by providing all the data required to create a personal account.