Legal notes

Legal Notice and Terms of Use of Taiao

The Site is owned by Taiao, email:
The purpose of this site is to disseminate and inform about news and information regarding the topics covered; the Site also aims to stimulate a positive active sharing among its users, always regarding the topics covered.
All the information and materials contained in the site, which are accessible and usable by the User free of charge, are for dissemination purposes only and cannot be considered in any way to be a substitute for expert opinions.
Taiao cannot therefore be held liable in any way for the use by the User of the information and materials available on the site, nor for any damages suffered, even indirectly, as a result of the use of these resources.
Legal notes and Conditions of use of the website

Relations arising from the use of the site are governed by Italian law.
These Conditions shall be applied and interpreted according to Italian law.
Meanings of the terms used:
Owner: the owner of this Site. This Site is owned by Taiao, email:;
User: subject who in any way, by any means and medium, whether by registering or not, takes advantage of all the services that this Site in any way offers.
Conditions: Legal notes and Conditions of use of the website.
The foreword is intended as an integral part of these Legal Notes.

1-General Provisions
1.1 Use of the site is governed by these Legal Notices and Conditions of Use hereinafter referred to as the "Conditions". Acceptance of the Conditions constitutes an agreement between the User and the Owner and is in fact given by browsing the site.
1.2 The Owner reserves the right to prepare additional rules and conditions to govern the individual services offered by the site. The User must comply with the rules in every way and time provided by the Owner in order to use the services of the site.
1.3 The Owner reserves the right to make changes, even substantial, to the present at any time; the Owner shall make the User aware of the changes by publishing them on the Site.
With the User's access following the modification, the User accepts the new conditions of use.

2-Obligations of the User
2.1 The User undertakes not to access the reserved areas of the Site when he/she is not the legitimate owner of the access credentials.
2.2. The User must use this Site and all the services connected to it, including his own account, not only in accordance with these Conditions, but also in full compliance with the law, public order, morality and custom (netiquette).
2.3 The User undertakes to provide truthful information both at the time of registration on this Site and at the time of any changes to the information.
2.4 The User must keep his access credentials (user-id and password) with due care and diligence. In the event of theft or loss of the access credentials, the User undertakes to provide prompt and timely communication to the Controller also requesting the deactivation of his/her account; in the absence of prompt and timely communication by the User, every manifestation of will, every act and fact productive of legal effects carried out through the User's account shall be attributed to the User. The Data Controller shall not be liable in any way for consultation of the data contained in the User's private area by third parties, even if unauthorised, who have in any way come to know the User's access credentials.
2.5 The User undertakes not to disrupt in any way or time the use of this site and of the services that are in any case connected and necessary by other Users.
2.6 The User is expressly forbidden to copy or learn and/or reproduce in any way and by any means the contents of the site for uses other than strictly personal, and in any case for commercial uses. In any case, all copyright and/or industrial law provisions remain unaffected and are herein fully referred to.
2.7 The user who publishes on his or her own or on another site, social network, or platform, app and any other type of place, whether material or immaterial, the contents of the Site through his or her own account, assumes all responsibility consequent and subsequent to the publication.
2.8 The user who publishes on their own or another site, social network, or platform, app and any other type of place, whether tangible or intangible, the contents of the Site through their own account, is obliged to mention this Site and indicate the link to it.

3-Obligations and exonerations of the Owner
3.1 The Owner undertakes, and to the extent of its power, undertakes to maintain the usability of the Site and related services and communication tools.
3.2 The Owner, since some pages of the Site may be allocated on external web spaces and managed by third parties, does not assume any responsibility for any interruption and/or suspension of the service, as well as for the limitation of the usability of the service.
The Owner invites the User to report any operating problems that may occur to the e-mail address:
3.3 The Owner shall not be liable for any use of this Site and of the services connected to it and offered by it in any way, that is made in violation of the law, public order, morality, custom (netiquette), and/or in violation of these Conditions.
3.4 Although the Owner undertakes to draw up and publish so-called quality content, he does not guarantee in any way the updating of the information included on the Site.
3.5 The Owner does not exercise any control over links to other websites and their content, even if they are present on its own pages.
3.6 The Owner shall not be liable for any damage and/or loss and/or malfunctioning and/or prejudice of any kind that may be caused to the User's electronic processor from the use of the service provided by the same, nor for any contamination of the computer system deriving from access, interconnection, downloading of material and computer programmes from the Site; the relative repair/restoration costs remain the User's responsibility.
3.7 All the information and materials contained in this Site, which are accessible and usable by the User free of charge, are for information purposes only and cannot be considered as a substitute for an expert's opinion, personalised and tailored to the specific needs of the individual User.
Taiao therefore cannot be held responsible in any way for the use by the User of the information and materials available on the Website, nor for any damages suffered, even indirectly, as a result of the use of these resources.
The Services that may be purchased from this Site are subject to the policies and the Terms and Conditions contained therein, which may be consulted by the user prior to the conclusion of the purchase.

4- Facultyof the Owner
4.1 The Owner reserves the unilateral right to modify, suspend and interrupt the Site and the services in any way connected and/or offered, and also the modification, suspension or interruption of the account and the communication tools connected to it of the individual User.

4.2 The Owner reserves the right to undertake entrepreneurial and/or advertising initiatives, even against payment, through the use on the website of any third party logo and/or brand, including advertising banners and any other advertisement for the promotion and marketing, direct and/or indirect, of any good, product and service.

5-Intellectual property
5.1 This Website is the property of Taiao and is protected, as is any of its content by copyright law.
5.2 The User is prohibited from copying or otherwise learning, publishing, disseminating, transmitting or otherwise making available, even partially and/or as a result of modifications, what is published on the Website, except in cases where this is expressly provided for on the Website, such as for the publication on Social Networks of certain content. The contents that the User in any way reproduces and/or posts and/or by any means disseminates, even partially, must contain mention of their origin and a link to this Site.

6-Prohibition of use
6.1 The use of the services provided by the Owner through the Website is not authorised in jurisdictions that do not recognise the validity of all the provisions issued by means of these Conditions.