
Privacy Policy of
This Web Site collects some Personal Data of its Users.

Personal Data Controller
Marco Grossi
Via del Borghetto 75/D, 55100, San Pietro a Vico, Lucca (LU)

Personal Data Protection Manager
Avv. Jessica Antonello
Via del Borghetto 75/D, 55100, San Pietro a Vico, Lucca (LU)
Contact email for obtaining information on the processing of personal data and for requests to exercise rights under the GDPR:

What is the privacy policy?
The privacy policy shows how we collect, use, store, transfer and share information and lists your rights.
For this, we encourage you to read the privacy policy.

- Information you provide when you subscribe to Taiao by creating a profile; among the information we can list: first name, last name, company name, date of birth, email. Please note that in this case we refer to both possibly mandatory and possibly non-mandatory data;
- Activities you carry out on products, including posts, videos, photos, messages you send, likes;
With particular reference to messages with end-to-end encryption, we remind you that we cannot view their content unless one or more users report them for a content check;
- Your friends and/or followers, and the activities they perform on the product;
- Information that comes from the electronic devices on which you use our Products and app, such as, but not limited to, computer, tablet, phone;
- Information that may come from Partners for activities you engage in both within and outside of our Products; including but not limited to: other websites visited, online games, apps.

Types of information collected and possibly shared
- Content created, such as photos, audio, video, comments, reactions;
- Content provided through our camera or voice features, or your camera or voice tools or gallery;
- Messages sent and received, with the exception of end-to-end encrypted messaging when not flagged by users for review;
- Types of content you view and interact with in any way, including advertisements
- Metadata about message content;
- Hastags you use;
- Hours, frequency of use and duration of use of our Products.

Connections, Friends and Followers
We collect information about the groups, accounts, friends, followers and other users you are connected to and interact with.
Contact Information: We collect contact information if you choose to import it from a device; for example, we collect information regarding the first and last name, email address and phone number of your contacts.
Information we collect about you based on the activity of others: for example, we may collect information about you when others share or comment on a photo that contains a tag of you, send you a message, invite you to join a conversation, invite you to play a game, upload an address book that contains your contact information.
Information we deduce about you based on the activities of others: by way of example, we may suggest a friend or group or business for you to follow or join.

App, browser and device information
We receive and collect certain information from the devices you use, for example:
- Device type and software or other features;
- Activities you perform on the device;
- Identifiers that distinguish your device, including IDs;
- Device signals;
- Information you share through device settings; Examples include GPS, camera access, phonebook access, audio, photo and video access and related metadata.

Information from Partners, Suppliers and Third Parties
We receive and collect information from:
- Partners: use our products, business tools and technologies that enable companies to advertise their products; these tools also help Partners understand and measure how Users use their products and services and the effectiveness of their advertisements;
Integrated Partners: they use Taiao's Products with particular reference to the technologies that enable them to connect with them.
Partners and Integrated Partners are:
- Advertisers
- Companies and entities that use our Products to market and offer goods and services
- Publishers
- App developers
- Game developers
- Organisers of online and live contests
Parties with whom Taiao may share information
- Measurement service providers: with whom Taiao may share information;
- Marketing service providers: parties with whom Taiao may share information;
- Other third parties: with whom Taiao may share information.

We use the information we collect in order to provide you with a personalised browsing and listing experience. Specifically, we use your information as follows.
Providing, customising and improving our Products
We use the information to provide and improve our Products, including customising content, features, stories, listings, recommendations.
- How we show advertisements and sponsored or commercial content: for this content we use your basic information and other information about you, such as:
o Information about your profile
o Activities you carry out both internally and externally with our Products; we also use information received via cookies and the like depending on the settings you have chosen
o Content you create
o Content you interact with
o Deduced information
o Information about your friends, followers or other connections

How we use information to show products
We use the information we collect to:
- Verify the actual functioning of a product;
- Troubleshoot and correct products that are not working properly;
- Test the operation of new products and functions;
- Collect feedback on our ideas about products and functions;
- Conduct surveys and research about your preferences regarding our Products and brands.

How we use location information
We use location information based on the settings you use on your device.
The information may include various elements such as your GPS location or other device signals.
When your location settings are turned off, we may still receive location-related information in the following cases:
- IP addresses;
- Your activities on our products and those of others;
- Information you provide to us directly.

Promoting Safety and Integrity
We use the information we collect to protect people and provide safe and secure products.
Some examples of how we use information include:
- Account and activity verification;
- Verifying compliance with and violation of our terms, regulations, guidelines;
- Investigation of suspicious activity;
- Detection, prevention and prosecution of unlawful or harmful conduct;
- Detecting and preventing spam;
- Detecting and stopping threats to our employees.

Communications with You
We use information to communicate with you.
Some examples of how we use information:
- Sending marketing and product communications;
- Sending communication of initiatives including by email address;
- Sending newsletters;
- Requesting participation in surveys, research and questionnaires;
- Informing you about our regulations and conditions;
- Communication with customer support;
- Responding to your questions to the email address provided;

Statistical data, measurement and business services
We use information to provide measurement and data collection services and statistical data.

Research and innovation for social and environmental sustainability
We use the information for projects, actions and research aimed at research, innovation, projects and actions, and the organisation of contests and events aimed at contributing to causes related to social and environmental sustainability, whether organised and/or proposed by Taiao or in collaboration with any third party that Taiao considers appropriate.

We do not sell data to third parties.
We require that partners and third parties respect certain rules on the disclosure of the data we provide.

People, businesses and accounts with whom you communicate and share content
The people and/or businesses you interact with when posting content on Taiao can see:
- Content you share: including, but not limited to, posts, videos, photos, articles, stories, profile information;
- Content you communicate to people or businesses: including, but not limited to, content, messages, and items you send;
- Activity on Products: by way of example, comments and/or reactions to the posts of others; comments and/or reactions to advertisements, viewing content of other Users;
- Sharing other Users' content;
- Activity Period: it may be possible for other Users to view when you are active;
- Content that people share in which you participate with comments and/or actions;
- Content that people share in which you are present, in the presence and/or absence of tags;
- Public content;

Public content
All content posted by Users, comments, actions made by, name, username and profile picture of Users are public.
Public content can be viewed by all registered and unregistered Users, i.e. both with and without accounts.
Content can be shared by Users with accounts.

Data Sharing with Advertisers
We provide Partners with reports on people viewing their advertisements, including number and type.
The reports include information including general data and demographics, interests.
We also provide Partners with information about when users interacted with their advertisements and where these were shown.
Information is also provided about the actions that users take on the advertisements.
Information that identifies the User (such as email address) is not shared with Partners.

Data sharing with Partners
Partners may use our Products to manage and promote their own businesses.
Partners and their businesses may use our services to collect statistical data, including in reports.
For example, some of the information contained may include the number of Users who have interacted with the content, user demographics and interests, and how they use the products and services.

Measurement Service Providers
Taiao, advertisers and/or Partners may share certain data with Measurement Service Providers in order to understand the impact on sales of ads on Taiao, including through reports.

Marketing ServiceProvider
We may share certain data with Marketing Service Providers in order to show advertisements relevant to your interests.

External researchers
We share information with external researchers who use it to conduct research in the areas of progress, innovation and social and environmental sustainability.
Research objectives include our company and mission, progress, public interest, and the promotion of social and environmental sustainability.

Legal basis
The processing of your information for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy is based on several legal bases. Depending on the circumstances, we rely on various legal bases when processing the same information for different purposes. For each legal basis below, we explain why we process your information.

Your consent is required for us to process your information.

Performance of contract
We process information necessary for the performance of our contracts with you, and thus of the Terms of Use.

Legitimate interests
We process your information as necessary for our own and other parties' legitimate interests.
Our interests include the provision of a high-tech, innovative, personalised, secure and compliant service.

Legal obligations
We process your information in compliance with applicable laws.

Public interest
We process your information if and to the extent necessary for the public interest.

The data subject may exercise the rights set out in Articles 7, 15-22 of European Regulation 679/2016.

The data subject has the right to:
- Withdraw consent at any time regarding processing based on consent by means of a communication to be sent to the email address:;
- Obtain confirmation of the existence of their personal data and their provision in intelligible form;
- Requesting access to one's personal data;
- Portability: receiving personal data provided to the Data Controller and transmitting it to another Data Controller;
- For data processed in breach of current legislation: request and obtain the updating, rectification, deletion of data and obtain the restriction of data processing;
- Oppose the processing of personal data for legitimate reasons;
- Object to the processing of data for purposes of sending advertising material or market analysis;
- Complain to the Privacy Guarantor.

We retain your data for the period necessary for the provision of our Products, the fulfilment of our obligations or the protection of our interests or those of others.
For these reasons we determine how long data retention is necessary on a case by case basis according to the following criteria:
- Time required for the provision and/or management of the Products;
- Functions for which the information is used and its operation;
- Retention time in compliance with legal obligations;
- Assessment of the need for the information for further legitimate purposes.

Taiao reserves the right to transfer collected data to other countries globally for various reasons, including but not limited to: service management, Product analysis, statistics, product improvement.
Data controlled by Taiao will be transferred, transmitted and/or stored:
- In countries where Taiao is present;
- In countries, even outside those where Taiao is present, where our Partners, Service Providers, and generally other third parties operate.
We also transfer Data in response to legal requests.

Consent in reference to mandatory Data is always necessary. Failure to consent to the collection of Mandatory Data will result in the impossibility of creating an account.

Consent in reference to optional Data is at the discretion of the User.

Other Device Signals
We Receive
Signals we receive from your device and various operating systems, including without limitation, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connections.

Other third parties
People, companies, private and public organisations that are not part of the Taiao organisation chart, but that share information with Taiao without using its products.

Personalised tips for Users who use our Products.

All videos, photos, audios created by the User or in which a subject participates; comments, reactions, messages, conversations.

Computers and PCs, tablets, phones and smartphones, hardware, smart TVs, fixed and portable devices, web-connected devices.

Marketing service providers
Third parties who help to advertise Taiao and the Products, as well as to measure the effectiveness of campaigns and carry out advertising research

Measurement service providers
Third parties who create reports that help advertisers understand the effectiveness of their content and measure the actions taken by Users who have viewed an advertisement.

All information provided by the User when registering, updating data and using the Product.

Related metadata
Set of data information.

Contest organisers
Entities that organise contests and competitions, including with prizes, live or remotely, including through the use of the web.

Our Partners include, but are not limited to: advertisers, companies and individuals who use our products to market and offer goods and services, publishers including websites and apps and related service providers, app developers, game developers, contest organisers.

Integrated partners
Parties that use technology to connect with them.

Products/ Product
The app, platform or site made available by Taiao.

Processing of personal information
Ways in which we collect, use and share your information, as explained in the other sections of this Policy above.

Anyone who uses Taiao's website, platform, app.
User with account: User who has correctly completed the registration process by providing all the necessary data to create a personal account.
User without an account (or User without an account): external user, who views the contents of Taiao, and Users with an account on Taiao, without having their own account and therefore without being able to carry out all the actions that are allowed to holders of a personal account.