2030 Agenda

  • What’s the air in town?

    What’s the air in town?

    Imagine you open your window and, instead of being greeted by a wave of smog, you are faced with an orchestra of birds chirping a…

  • World Environment Day

    World Environment Day

    ‘Our land, our future. We are Generation Restoration’ World Environment Day, celebrated every year on 5 June, is a global initiative established by the United…

  • The disastrous effects of spills into the sea

    The disastrous effects of spills into the sea

    Spills at sea represent one of the most serious environmental disasters threatening marine and coastal ecosystems worldwide. They can result from accidents on oil platforms,…

  • Electricity and mobility: the state of the art

    Electricity and mobility: the state of the art

    These days we talk about demographic winter: how much does Italy’s ageing population weigh on electric mobility and changing habits? And the cost of the…

  • What tobacco is for

    What tobacco is for

    At first glance one would say nothing, apart from harming health. Yet 50,000 people are employed in this sector, which generates tax revenues of EUR…

  • Deforestation increases again

    Deforestation increases again

    In 2022 alone, forests covering an area equivalent to Switzerland disappeared and, as is well known, deforestation is one of the main causes of climate…

  • The benefits of Renewable Energy Communities

    The benefits of Renewable Energy Communities

    For too long we have been waiting for the government’s implementing decrees, thanks to which CERs would finally become a reality under the banner of…

  • Earth Overshoot Day: debt to our planet

    Earth Overshoot Day: debt to our planet

    More and more often we hear about Earth Overshoot Day, the date, drawn up annually by the Global Foodprint Network, that marks the time of…

  • The Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda

    The Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda

    You will hear more and more about it because the pursuit of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) contained in the 2030 Agenda will shape the…

  • Linear economy and circular economy: the differences

    Linear economy and circular economy: the differences

    The production-use-throw-away model of the linear economy, which involves massive waste production and requires the availability of large quantities of raw materials and energy, is…